With instructions from Buddhist masters, Life Before Thought will teach you how to re-engineer your mind to be peaceful regardless of circumstances.
Life Before Thought: A Practical & Reliable Way to Stop Negative Thoughts & Stay Present
Mindfulness isn’t just a way to relax. It’s a method to reveal a sense of wellbeing and happiness that is inherent in simply being alive.
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3 Tools You Will Get From This eBook
Instructions from Buddhist masters
5 mindfulness techniques
A philosophy of life about happiness from simply being, not from achieving success
Learn how the human mind is the single touchpoint you have with the world at large. Any strategy about improving your life must begin in your mind instead of the circumstances around you.
Discover the futility of looking for peace and happiness in your circumstances. The law of Impermanence may change your reality at any moment without warning.
Any type of mental distress you might feel is rooted in how you think about things, not in how they really are. Crucially, we don’t recognise we’re thinking all the time. The solution is to break away from thought.
Even if you know you aren’t your thoughts, that belief is still based in thought. Thus, mental distress continues. The instructions in this chapter aim to induce a mental gesture that will allow you to see what’s there before thought occurs.
With your renewed understanding of the mind, the faculty of thinking becomes a sixth sense, with no more control over your life than the sense of seeing, hearing, and so on.
Your experience is the result of an eternal chain of cause and effect. Realising this deeply can bring a profound sense of peace and compassion for yourself and others.
The insights discovered when breaking the spell of thought can redefine how life feels and how we can live it. We no longer look for happiness and satisfaction in thought, because we recognise we already have them.
About Life Before Thought
Life Before Thought consolidates the main pillars of the non-dual path of mindfulness into a quick guide. The eBook is separated into five principles that describe the mental distress so many of us experience. The principles are inspired by and add to the Buddhist “three marks of existence”; impermanence, non-self, and suffering.
You will not find spiritual or new-age fluff in this book. Everything illustrated here can be experienced directly from the comfort of your mind.
Along with the five principles you will find mindfulness practice instructions inspired by the likes of Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramana Maharshi, Alan Watts, Rupert Spira, and other historical or contemporary figures.
Principle 3 outlines the non-existence of a separate self and includes instructions on overcoming the veil of thought, otherwise described as seeing the illusion of the self, or “waking up”. When you achieve this mental gesture you will have started the process of re-engineering your mind for peace regardless of circumstances.
The eBook ends with a philosophy that can drive you forward based on your renewed state of mind. This philosophy recognises the ultimate human goal of physical and mental wellbeing, and aims to expand it to the wider community.
About Chris Basha
Chris Basha has been exploring the world of Eastern philosophy and practicing its teachings for more than 4 years. His journey focuses on understanding the role of consciousness in the wider fabric of reality, particularly at the intersection of philosophy and the practice of mindfulness. Chris writes about how integrating mindfulness into daily life can lead to a lasting sense of fulfilment and how it can be used to help others.
A side effect of Chris’ explorations has been an immeasurable increase in mental wellbeing and appreciation of life, and an equivalent decrease in anxiety and feelings of purposelessness. In the eBook Life Before Thought he’s condensed the most important teachings of Eastern philosophy into a short guide for others to reap the same benefits.